www.gusucode.com > FavShop网店系统源码程序 > FavShop网店系统 1.0/upload/cake/tests/cases/libs/controller/components/acl.test.php

/* SVN FILE: $Id: acl.test.php 6311 2008-01-02 06:33:52Z phpnut $ */
 * Short description for file.
 * Long description for file
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * CakePHP(tm) Tests <https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite>
 * Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
 *								1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204
 *								Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
 *  Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License
 *  Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @filesource
 * @copyright		Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
 * @link				https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/Developement/TestSuite CakePHP(tm) Tests
 * @package			cake.tests
 * @subpackage		cake.tests.cases.libs.controller.components
 * @since			CakePHP(tm) v
 * @version			$Revision: 6311 $
 * @modifiedby		$LastChangedBy: phpnut $
 * @lastmodified	$Date: 2008-01-02 00:33:52 -0600 (Wed, 02 Jan 2008) $
 * @license			http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License
uses('controller' . DS . 'components' . DS .'acl');

uses('controller'.DS.'components'.DS.'acl', 'model'.DS.'db_acl');

class AclNodeTestBase extends AclNode {
	var $useDbConfig = 'test_suite';
	var $cacheSources = false;
class AroTest extends AclNodeTestBase {
	var $name = 'AroTest';
	var $useTable = 'aros';
	var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('AcoTest' => array('with' => 'PermissionTest'));
class AcoTest extends AclNodeTestBase {
	var $name = 'AcoTest';
	var $useTable = 'acos';
	var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('AroTest' => array('with' => 'PermissionTest'));
class PermissionTest extends CakeTestModel {
	var $name = 'PermissionTest';
	var $useTable = 'aros_acos';
	var $cacheQueries = false;
	var $belongsTo = array('AroTest' => array('foreignKey' => 'aro_id'), 'AcoTest' => array('foreignKey' => 'aco_id'));
	var $actsAs = null;
class AcoActionTest extends CakeTestModel {
	var $name = 'AcoActionTest';
	var $useTable = 'aco_actions';
	var $belongsTo = array('AcoTest' => array('foreignKey' => 'aco_id'));
class DB_ACL_TEST extends DB_ACL {

	function __construct() {
		$this->Aro =& new AroTest();
		$this->Aro->Permission =& new PermissionTest();
		$this->Aco =& new AcoTest();
		$this->Aro->Permission =& new PermissionTest();
 * Short description for class.
 * @package    cake.tests
 * @subpackage cake.tests.cases.libs.controller.components
class AclComponentTest extends CakeTestCase {

	var $fixtures = array('core.aro', 'core.aco', 'core.aros_aco', 'core.aco_action');

	function start() {

	function startTest() {
		$this->Acl =& new AclComponent();

	function before() {
		if (!isset($this->_initialized)) {
			Configure::write('Acl.classname', 'DB_ACL_TEST');
			Configure::write('Acl.database', 'test_suite');
			if (isset($this->fixtures) && (!is_array($this->fixtures) || empty($this->fixtures))) {

			// Set up DB connection
			if (isset($this->fixtures)) {

			// Create records
			if (isset($this->_fixtures) && isset($this->db)) {
				foreach ($this->_fixtures as $fixture) {
					$inserts = $fixture->insert();

					if (isset($inserts) && !empty($inserts)) {
						foreach ($inserts as $query) {
							if (isset($query) && $query !== false) {

			$this->_initialized = true;

	function after() {

	function testAclCreate() {
		$this->Acl->Aro->create(array('alias' => 'Global'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aro->save();

		$parent = $this->Acl->Aro->id;

		$this->Acl->Aro->create(array('parent_id' => $parent, 'alias'=>'Account'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aro->save();

		$this->Acl->Aro->create(array('parent_id' => $parent, 'alias'=>'Manager'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aro->save();

		$parent = $this->Acl->Aro->id;

		$this->Acl->Aro->create(array('parent_id' => $parent, 'alias'=>'Secretary'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aro->save();

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('alias' => 'Reports'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$report = $this->Acl->Aco->id;

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $report, 'alias'=>'Accounts'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$account = $this->Acl->Aco->id;

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $account, 'alias'=>'Contacts'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $report, 'alias'=>'Messages'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $account, 'alias'=>'MonthView'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $account, 'alias'=>'Links'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $account, 'alias'=>'Numbers'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $report, 'alias'=>'QuickStats'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

		$this->Acl->Aco->create(array('parent_id' => $report, 'alias'=>'Bills'));
		$result = $this->Acl->Aco->save();

	function testDbAclAllow() {
		$result = $this->Acl->allow('Manager', 'Reports', array('read','delete','update'));

		$result = $this->Acl->allow('Secretary', 'Links', array('create'));

	function testDbAclCheck() {

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Secretary','Links','read');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Secretary','Links','delete');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Secretary','Links','update');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Secretary','Links','create');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Secretary','Links','*');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Secretary','Links','create');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Manager','Links','read');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Manager','Links','delete');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Manager','Links','create');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Account','Links','read');

		$result = $this->Acl->allow('Global','Reports', 'read');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Account','Links','create');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Account','Links','update');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Account','Links','delete');

		$result = $this->Acl->allow('Global','Reports');

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Account','Links','read');

	function testDbAclDeny() {

		$result = $this->Acl->check('Secretary','Links','delete');

	function tearDown() {
